Using technology as the engine and innovation as the driving force – Dezhou Innovation Model: Li Peixin from Dezhou Xinping Electronics Co., Ltd

        Coming to the workshop every day to communicate technical issues with workers is a daily routine for Li Peixin’s work. As the manager of Texas Xinping Electronics Co., Ltd., he has been either developing and testing new products or solving technical problems for 21 years. Technology is an indispensable topic on his lips微信图片_20240823084521

From scratch, striving to be the first in the industry

In 2003, Texas Xinping Electronics Co., Ltd., which had only been established for three years, received an order to customize a batch of transformers thinner than existing products on the market, and required that the transformer power be consistent with the products on the market. This kind of order made Li Peixin both happy and difficult, because there are no similar products on the market to learn from, and the previous design concepts and experience are not sufficient to support the development of customized products. This means that we need to boldly innovate and find a new path.The pressure of the order did not give Li Peixin too much time to think. He quickly calmed down and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the research and development of the new product. He attempted to modify the design scheme and replace raw materials on the basis of the original product. After one week, he completed the process of product improvement, testing, and sample use. What he didn’t expect was that the customer feedback for the first batch of products was as high as 5%, with a large number of returns. He did not give up and continued to improve and upgrade the product. In the end, the new product successfully passed the aging test, high and low temperature test, and performance parameter test. After being put into use, the customer feedback was less than one in a thousand, which is the 5710 series product. Until now, this series of products is still very popular in the market.

From having to being strong, develop automation equipment

          One day in 2018, while inspecting the assembly line work, Li Peixin observed that the workers responsible for flattening the process would always swing their arms and press the tiger’s mouth while resting. Recalling his previous communication with the leadership team and workers, he summarized the problem with the flattening process: the entire process was manually operated, causing joint pain and certain physical damage to the workers; High noise level; Quality control is difficult to grasp, and product consistency is poor. In order to reduce the labor intensity of workers and improve the product qualification rate, Li Peixin realized that upgrading the flattening process was urgent.

           One day, when he poured aluminum water into the mold to make aluminum blocks, he looked at the mold for making aluminum blocks and fell into thought: the production of aluminum block molds uses motor-driven extrusion technology, so can the flattening process also use motor-driven extrusion technology? So, the first generation transformer shaping and encapsulation testing production line (motor extrusion) was successfully built, but during the testing process, due to poor control of motor force, the product scrap rate was high. After observing the manual leveling workflow, Li Peixin adjusted the production process again, changing from electric motor extrusion to electric hammer leveling. However, there are still issues such as lack of product consistency and high noise. He also conducted experiments using an air hammer, which has elasticity and makes it easy to control the force during the flattening process. At the same time, it also reduces the product scrap rate and noise, and ultimately determines the air hammer flattening case. The transformer shaping and encapsulation testing production line, led by Li Peixin, has been launched and put into use. This technology is the first of its kind in the industry and marks another step towards automation transformation for Dezhou Xinping Electronics Co., Ltd.微信图片_20240823085201

   In 2014, Li Peixin was recognized as an outstanding entrepreneur in the electronic information industry in Shandong Province; In 2016, he was awarded the honorary title of leader of the first Shandong Green Lighting Award; In 2021, he was awarded the honorary title of Dezhou Innovation Model, which benefited from his continuous pursuit of technological innovation. Li Peixin still maintains the habit of browsing the latest technological information in the industry at any time. He firmly believes that using technology as the engine and innovation as the driving force will promote the long-term development of enterprises.



Post time: Aug-26-2024

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